Make Lists
Like the classic to-do -
form A, signature B, bill C
collect laundry from the clothesline
(if it didn’t rain)
call the lawyer
(unless they call first)
remember that birthday card
(two months late)
And the weekly to-buy -
leeks from the Thursday market
new sheets for the bed
caulk for the kitchen sink
cilantro seeds
(because the last ones died)
And ones with numbers -
18 story rejections this year
55 unanswered emails
27 explosions
(of thunder galloping through the canyon)
2 climbing routes summited
(in 30 degree weather)
34 sobbing fits in the closet in ’94
1 river rushing through
(it’s got somewhere to be)
And ones without -
(a gift)
holding on
(a skill)
sharp words
(muscle memory)
And the ones where you pin your hopes -
six figures by ’27
the right figure by ’26
a knight and a castle
bougainvillea in the backyard
warmth in the hearth
poetry that was heard
being good
(or trying)
making lists
(and crossing things out)